My curiousities entwine around the concept of “mythopoiesis,” the seeding of cultural mythologies that nourish our interbeing with the creative alivenesses within us and around us. I am seeking experiential practices that reconnect us to the vastness of our inner lives, a response to Stephen Harrod Buhner’s naming of how “the ecological devastation of our interior worlds preceded that of the natural world.” This is a predisciplinary exploration into the betweenesses of different fields—deep ecology, indigenous wisdom, trauma resilience, living process, cultural transformation, sacred activism, grief rituals, play…an exploration guided by the inner knowing of moments defined by Audre Lorde’s compass statement "it feels right to me.” My journey is a seeking for the ways that we can encounter each other rooted in what is alive in each of us, awakening the creative seeds in each one of us lying dormant, finding our own radicalness within the shared soil of connection. This quest I am beginning will require that I become a connoisseur of the felt sense, a savorer of the nuanced feeling qualia and moments of asthesis that create meaning and nourishment in the world. I will learn to embody traditions that practice compassionate witnessing, creating containers in which it is safe to release into the depths of emotion, to traverse the grief and holdings that must necessarily be released before healing can begin to take place. I will explore discourses of autopoiesis, self-creation, the growing of cultures that are resilient to trauma, that continue to grow and flourish in aliveness and beauty.